


Area km2: 1,285,216

Population: 32,824,358

Capital: Lima

ISO 3166: PE


Population density:
25.5 hab/km2

National flower:
Cantua (Cantua buxifolia)



Along with mining and the fishing industry, agriculture is one of Peru’s main productive activities. The country is a large exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables, such as grapes, avocados, mangoes, blueberries, bananas, plantains, asparagus, ginger, broccoli, even to very distant countries, and the largest exporter of quinoa worldwide. Peru also produces potato, rice, maize, sweet potato, wheat, coffee, apples, pears, peaches, fava beans, tomato and sugarcane. The fishing industry relies on the Peruvian anchoveta (which is used for the production of fishmeal), the corvina drum, the bonito and the fine flounder, among others. Meat production is mainly oriented to the poultry industry and, to a lesser extent, to beef and pork. Camelids are raised in the Andes region, and used as sources of meat and fiber, which for the most part are destined for export. Among the main agricultural products imported by Peru we can mention maize, soybean, wheat and rice.


 GM Crops


Does the country plant GM crops?


For the time being, the country does not commercially produce GM crops.


Are there local developments?


For the time being, there are no local developments of GM crops in advanced stages.




 Benefits of GM crops



For the time being, Peru does not grow GM crops.




 Regulation of GM crops

Brief description of the regulatory framework

Peru’s general regulatory framework for GMOs is based on the Law for the Prevention of Risk Derived from the Use of Biotechnology (Act No. 27104), that sets forth that INIA (National Institute for Agriculture Innovation) is the Competent Sectoral Authority in matters of Biotechnology Safety for the Agriculture Sector. At present, a moratorium banning the introduction and production of GMOs in general is in effect until 2035; with the exception of GMOs for research purposes, those used in pharmaceutical or veterinary products under international treaties of which the country is a party, and those imported for the purposes of direct use as food and feed or further processing.


 GM animals


Does the country produce GM animals?


For the time being, the country does not commercially produce GM animals.


Brief description of the regulatory framework for GM animals

The general regulation in force for Live Modified Organisms addresses GM animals. Regardless, a moratorium banning the introduction and production of Live Modified Organisms is in effect until 2035. The moratorium excludes Live Modified Organisms destined to confined trials for research purposes. CONAM (National Council for the Environment) is in charge of coordinating the competent authorities, while CONADIB (National Commission for Biological Diversity) acts as a consultive instance supporting CONAM in the proposal of guidelines regarding Live Modified Organisms.


Are there local developments?


For the time being, there are no local developments of GM Animals in advanced stages.




 Multilateral Fora


Peru is member/party of: