
Area km2: 1,098,581
Population: 11,428,245
Capital: Sucre
ISO 3166: BO

Population density:
10.4 hab/km2

National flower*:
Kantuta (Cantua buxifolia)
Bolivian economy is based on the extraction and export of metals and natural gas. Agriculture is well developed in Bolivia, mainly in the eastern region, with the cultivation of soybean (exported as grain and byproducts to several countries in the region), sorghum, rice, sugarcane, wheat, maize and sunflower. Potato and barley, as well as other export products like quinoa, cacao and coffee, are grown in the western region. Regarding livestock production, farming of beef and pork cattle takes place mainly in the east, while camelids as the llama (Lama glama) and the alpaca (Lama pacos), whose products are destined to the textile industry, are raised in the West.
* Another Nacional Flower: Patuju (Heliconia rostrata).