Regulation of GM crops

Brief description of the regulatory framework

The authorization for commercial use of transgenic crops is granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, and such decision is based on the expert opinions delivered by three different agencies and their advisory committees. The Innovation and Biotechnology Office and CONABIA (National Advisory Commission on Agricultural Biotechnology) are in charge of the risk assessment of the impacts the GM crop may cause on the agro-ecosystem. The food safety assessment of the GMO (and its byproducts) is conducted by the SENASA (National Service for Agrifood Safety and Quality) and CTAUOGM (Technical Advisory Committee on GMO Use). The Directorate of Agricultural Markets of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries is in charge of the assessment of the market impacts that may arise from the market approval of the GMO. After careful analysis of the three abovementioned expert opinions, the Secretary for Food, Bioeconomy and Regional Development grants authorization for planting, food and feed use, and placement on the market of the GMO. Authorizations for contained activities (in biosafety greenhouses) and confined (field trials and counter-season seed production of unauthorized events) are also granted by the Secretary for Food, Bioeconomy and Regional Development, based on the recommendations issued by the Biotechnology Office and CONABIA.