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Biotech LATAM Trade


GM Products Exports (MUSD)

Contribution of each country to the total exports of GM products from LATAM (in % the bar and in million US dollars the number), considering only products and by-products from countries with 70% or more adoption of GM crops. Seeds, niche market products or molecular farming products are not included. Total agricultural product exports by country in LATAM that produces GM crops with 70% or more adoption, and the difference between agricultural exports and imports by country in LATAM (MUSD).

País Export. GM Export. Agricultura Export. netas
40,510 21,701
2,681 1,780
131,119 71,214
4,123 -302
39,679 -212
7,600 4,597
6,764 929
261,622 99,709

LATAM GM products exports

Exports of products and by-products derived from transgenic crops from LATAM, considering only products from countries with 70% or more adoption of GM crops, in millions of US dollars (MUSD) over the years. Seeds, niche market products or molecular farming products are not included. Each color corresponds to a product.

Share of LATAM GM products in world exports (%)

Participation (%) of GM crop products and by-products exported from LATAM in the total global trade of those products. Includes products from countries with 70% or more adoption of GM crops. Calculation based on the value of exports.

Main destinations

Top 5 destinations for GM crop products and by-products (combined) exported from LATAM, shown in millions of US dollars (MUSD), and percentage of participation in the total exported from LATAM. The chart includes all GM crops with 70% adoption or more in LATAM combined. Seeds, niche market products or molecular farming products are not included.

# Destination MUSD Part. (%) of total GM exported by LATAM
1 China 37,852 36.1%
2 Vietnam 5,065 4.8%
3 India 4.376 4,2%
4 Spain 3,531 3.4%
5 Neatherlands 3,439 3.3%

Export by Destination

Destination of all products and by-products derived from GM crops with more than 70% adoption in LATAM combined. Seeds, niche market products or molecular farming products are not included. When LATAM countries are highlighted, it indicates trade of GM products among them.

LATAM's GM Exports Flow (MUSD)

Origin and destination of products and by-products derived from GM crops in LATAM with 70% or greater adoption. Seeds, niche market products or molecular farming products are not included. The width of the ribbons represents the relative value in million US dollars (MUSD) of the traded goods.

Based on Comtrade data. Ave. 2020, 2021, 2022